The 3 best ways to avoid ruining your weight loss on a meal out

Meals out are the most difficult source of temptation when you are trying to eat healthily, especially when other people are eating lots of food. You tell yourself “It’s only this one time” and will devour a 500 calorie slice of cake along side the whole of your main course. Regret always takes over leaving you wishing that you had just eaten less.

There however some ways that you can enjoy a meal out and still make healthier decisions that will not have too huge an effect on you healthy eating scheme:

1. Share Meals– this is a great way of being able to eat what you want but has the positive effect of preventing you from going overboard on how much you chose to eat. Having a meal between the two of you cuts the number of calories that you would have eaten in two and could also leave room for pudding if you wished!

2. Cut out the high calorie drinks– these include all types of alcohol and most fizzy drinks which contain a high number of calories and sugar. Studies have actually shown that drink with a high sugar content actually doesn’t make people feel more full and they will still eat just as much as other people. Instead opt for water which has no calories and will save you money too.

3. Learn to know when you’re full– when you have tasty food in front of you it can be easy to be tempted and eat it all because it is so delicious. Instead take time when you eat your meal and enjoy the food that you have. When you eat slower it gives your body more time to tell itself that it is full, at this point stop eating! The meal will be much more enjoyable if you have not stuffed yourself so much that you can’t walk. You can always ask the restaurant to package the food up for you and this will provide for an easy lunch or tea the next day.

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